Thursday, August 21, 2014

And so it goes.

I am still here. Very busy with school starting in 3 weeks. Trying to block out the fact that I am sending my baby off to Kindergarten.

But I am walking almost every night for my 4+ miles. I usually try to take one rest day from walking just so my body can relax.  I bought a new scale. And in true fashion I took my 20lb kettleball to check the weight. I would of used my bowling ball but it rolls too much. My new scale is .4 higher. My old scale never had the .0 so that was right on. However my husbands scale is 6 lighter-which is good if I need a mood lifter. LOL! I am just thrilled that both scales-the old one and new one-are dead on.

I am still sitting at 20 pounds gone total with my 90 days coming this Saturday. You know this is the LONGEST I have stuck with a program or mindset since back in my WeightWatcher days. I had great success with that as well but the point tracking was getting old. I like how I can just add and scan with MFP now. I just noticed that I forgot to grab the shake mix for my lunch today but that is ok. I have some items on standby in the breakroom that will provide a decent and low calorie lunch. I can shake for dinner tonight. I wish the scale would move a bit faster. It's hard to work and bust your ass all week and then see a maintain. But I am also using that maintain as a sign from my body that I need to shake it up the next week. Different workout, days off, more calories maybe. We will see what the number is on Saturday.

I have a few different FB groups that I am in. One is the 12 week challenge that I paid for. The other is just a group of friends of a friend of a friend type of thing. There isn't any one product with it. Just a bunch of people who want to be healthy and want to share thoughts and ideas with others.

Then there is the Isa groups-which I tend to ignore cause of the Isa Police. But I love the shakes and the Accelerator. The flush is good too when I remember to take it. I do cleanse but not two days in a row. I am just picking one day to cleanse-usually after a standstill.

But the new goal I have is to be a size 10 or 8 for my sisters wedding. It's just myself and her soon to be BIL as the wedding party so I know all eyes will be on just the 4 of us. She is so fit and thin that having me up there looking like a blob will be embarrassing. Her wedding is Jan 2nd and I have time. I want to start strength training. The apps I have are just not easy to work with. I do have a Kettleball now and a video to go with that. Starting in Sept I am going to take my 1 day to do the strength training and the other days my walking. I won't be able to go walking every day once school starts. There are too many activities going on and that freedom will have to wait till spring. I will be lucky if I get 30 min on my treadmill.

My oldest has Volleyball and confirmation classes. Sunday are for Sunday School. Monday's are bowling. Tues & Thursday are games. Lots of running and I will have to be creative on how to get some kind of work out in. Should be fun. I plan on hanging in there and moving forward.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Short and sweet

Busy weekend but I wanted to be sure I posted that I did it! Also it was 10% of my starting weight. Yep, 10%/20 pounds gone.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Getting closer to another decade!

Saturday was a great WI day for me. Down a total of 18 pounds! Dang, what if. What if I hit 20 this week. Wow. Crazy even to think about it. 20 gone since May 21st. So I am going to try and NOT think about it. I am going to do what I have been doing and just push forward.

Saturday was a crappy food day anyhow. I mean it was delicious and tasty but it was so bad for me. I was at a benefit/vendor show with my 31 items and every thing I spent went towards the family so there was that. I actually won a basket with Watkins extracts in it. A bunch of different flavors. I think that will be great for flavor in my smoothies, green tea, coffee creamer and Meringue cookies. So that was cool. And I won a 90 min massage which was what I really wanted. Score! When I complete the 12 week BOTB challenge with my friends that is going to be my sweet reward. And hopefully I will be closer to the Dirty 30 Beast shirt from the ISA team I want. Just to say I got it. Also my friend told me about the ISA Challenge. It's 16 weeks only-which I can do. Just 4 more than my 12 week that started so I am good there. I just need to take my picture and have proof of the date. They suggest using the newspaper as proof of the date. The only downside that is that you need to have a bare min of 500 BV(business volume) during those 16 weeks. Yikes-I have yet to hit 400 since I started in May. So that could be tricky-along with expensive. But I guess just for completing it they send you $200. I just hope it isn't in company credit. Forget that. Yes I use ISA but I am also a real life person with a job and bills and ISA isn't cheap. This may be something I need to think a bit more about.

Anyhow. Today(Sunday) was a great day. We took our 5 year old shopping and ended up with a new Princess Castle for her. We also stopped at the local bike shop and got a holder for my phone. I even tested it out tonight. DH got one as well for his bike and it make the ride go faster. Both of us were excited to try them out and we went for a nice 12.5 mile ride.

This was my reward when I was finished. Romaine, tomatoes, slice of swiss, turkey and greek dressing. I have plenty of calories left over for a sweet treat and then bed. :)